Friday, September 25, 2009

Pips Miner Given a global economy

Given a global economy distant sources can generate low cost high quality components coupled with a staggering cost of ownership for those same components if not managed effectively. Companies often find themselves warehousing depreciating finished goods that are not generating revenue.

At the same time they are housing sub-assemblies that could be generating revenue. All solutions to resolve this dilemma cut directly into the bottom line. This is where a demand-driven postponement supply chain model can help.

Outsourcing components to more economical global manufacturing sources while at the same time moving final assembly, configuration, test and packaging down the supply chain and closer to the consumers helps to minimize the increasing occurrences of demand volatility.

Over 50% of Americans do not regularly see the dentist because of anxiety. Most people suffer from these panic attacks caused by dental phobia. I can speak from experience as for years I made every excuse available to avoid going to the dentist. Dental phobia is one of many things that can be a severe case of anxiety. No matter what your reason is not going to the dentist will ultimately have greater consequences if you don't over come your fear of the dentist.

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