You really don't stop to think about the long-term benefit of the business you have chosen.
Through normal business planning, you would also ordinarily only plan for the first three years of business. And in most cases...this as far as any start-up entrepreneur can even hope to think. Now, consider the consequences if you didn't take that extra step and build in a longer-term view of a future "sellable" value of your business:
Years of Work and Nothing to Show for It It's hard work starting up and running a business, let alone growing it if it is really successful in its first three years.
I don't exactly know why I'm this excited but I am and I feel a bit silly for only writing about this now. On the 8th of July, Google formally announced that they will be launching a new project that should complement the successful release of Google Chrome: The Google Chrome Operating System. This is the company's new approach in an attempt to redefine user experience by showing the world how an OS should work and how it should be. I think what's great about this is that the Google Chrome OS is will be open source. I'm a really big GNU Linux fan and I've been running the thing for a few years, but my only problem with it was that it didn't run a lot of the programs that I wanted to run.
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